What for?

Rent Assistant aim to simplify how communication with your guests.

It integrate with Smoobu to fetch your places and your bookings.

Rent assistant specifically aim to reduce the time needed to send a message to your guests via WhatsApp.

When you had to : add the number to your contact book, find and copy your template, replace the dates and other info in your message, and notice that your contact does not have WhatsApp, and so it all over again via SMS or email, now you just tap on your notification, chose the language, the channel, and press send.


The first step is to download the app.

You can only download it on android, as the iOS version is not ready.

Then create an account. You must verify your phone number to do so.

Now you should have this screen.


Connecting to Smoobu

Then you need to connect to Smoobu. Click Add one, then Smoobu.